Endless Clouds Dev Build Application
Apply for the chance to try out Treeverse & Capsule Heroes developer builds in the month of January!
The time has come. Marking the end of 2023 and the start of 2024, Endless Clouds is launching developer builds for both Treeverse and Capsule Heroes.
They will both launch in January, and players will be invited in batches. Both games are multiplayer. Treeverse will be available on Windows only. Capsule Heroes will be available on Android and IOS (Testflight).
Capsule Heroes will be the first to launch, followed by Treeverse sometime after. The exact date will be announced on our X, Substack, and Discord soon.
If you are an individual, use this form to apply.
If you are a founder of a community, use this form.
Make sure to share our posts on X over the next week. Once the date is announced, we will close the form shortly after.
Holders and active community members will be prioritized. We will have a few hundred spots, and try to get as many people in as we can.
Keep in mind, that these are dev builds so:
Unfinished version of the games, still in development
Expect bugs and glitches not yet resolved
May experience crashes, freezes, or performance issues
The game might not be fully stable or optimized
Your feedback is vital to help improve the game
Not all features are available or fully functional
Game progress will be reset during development
Be sure to subscribe to this newsletter for updates on any important things happening in the Endless Clouds ecosystem.
I would assume NFTs from them?
Hey quick question, the form says "are you a holder?". A holder of what in particular?